Life-World, Intersubjectivity and Culture. Contemporary Dilemmas, Frankfurt am Main 2016: Peter Lang Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften.
Introduction (Elżbieta Hałas) | 9 |
I. Interpretative Perspectives on Life-World | |
Zdzisław Krasnodębski | |
Grathoff’s Life-World | 21 |
Thomas S. Eberle | |
Phenomenological Life-World Analysis and Interpretive Sociology: Finding a Pathway Through Divergent Strands | 27 |
Tadeusz Szawiel | |
Life-World as an Object of Theory and as a Life-Horizon | 43 |
Ingeborg K. Helling | |
“Mirror Neurons”: A Material Base for Phenomenological Reflection on Intersubjectivity? A Review Essay | 57 |
Gallina Tasheva | |
Social Inconsistencies as a Problem of Social Knowledge | 69 |
II. Symbolic Transcendence, State Power and Person | |
Steven Vaitkus | |
The Depth Juncture of Symbolic Transcendence Arising From Alfred Schutz and Karl Jaspers, and the Path Towards A Humanistic Self-Education | 79 |
Fritz Schütze | |
Artificial Classification in State Socialism vs. Typification Processes in the Existential World of Everyday Life as Envisioned by Richard Grathoff | 95 |
Elżbieta Hałas | |
Symbolic Transformations: State Symbolism and the Fall of Communism in Poland | 129 |
Dennis Smith | |
Coping with Captivity: The Social Phenomenon of Humiliation Explored Through Prisoners’ Dilemmas | 147 |
Lorenza Gattamorta | |
Hans Joas and Peter L. Berger: Self-Transcendence In the Age of Contingency | 167 |
III. Communication and Various Cultures of Knowledge | |
Hubert Knoblauch | |
Communicative Constructivism and the Communication Society | 185 |
Marek Czyżewski | |
"Under What Circumstances Do We Think Things Real?" Don Quixote, Social Theory and the Case of Knowledge-Based Society | 201 |
Ulf Matthiesen | |
A Phenomenologist Goes to Town! "Spatial Turn," "Urban Terroir" and the Life-World/Milieu-Paradigm: Strengthening Recent Phenomenological Approaches in City Research | 215 |
Ewa Nowicka | |
Opportunities and Limitations of Intercultural Communication: Doing Social Anthropology in the Field | 233 |
Rafał P. Wierzchosławski | |
Florian Znaniecki, Alfred Schutz, Milieu Analysis and Experts Studies | 245 |
Contributors | 263 |
Index | 269 |