
Kultura jako pamięć. Posttradycjonalne znaczenie przeszłości
[Culture as Memory. The Post-Traditional Meaning of the Past]
Kraków 2012, NOMOS.

Preface (Elżbieta Hałas)11
I. Memory in posttraditional Contemporary culture
Elżbieta Tarkowska
Memory in the Culture of the Present17
Kaja Kaźmierska
Contemporary Communicative and Cultural Memory. Reflection Inspired by Jan Assmann’s Koncept 43
Andrzej Szpociński
Spectacles of the Past: Memory as an Event 63
Piotr Kwiatkowski
The Category of the Past in Vernacular Collective Memory 76
II. Cultural memory in action and in reflection
Zofia Rosińska
Workings of Memory 107
Tadeusz Szawiel
Nietzsche as a Critic of Memory: Memory as Life and Memory as Science127
Stanisław Judycki
Superindividual Identity and Moral Memory 142
Elżbieta Hałas
The Past and the Future Present: Reflexive Cultural Memory153
III. Cultures of memory: between globalization and locality
Leszek Korporowicz
Cores of Cultural Identities 177
Michał Łuczewski, Tomasz Maślanka, Paulina Bednarz-Łuczewska
Transnational Memory and the Public Sphere. Materialized Sites of Memory in Poland and Germany 202
Małgorzata Melchior
In the Footsteps of the Local Past – Memory as a Subject of Cultural Animation 227
Karol Franczak
Parrēsia as a Memory Medium. Questions and Paradoxes235
Magdalena Nowicka
The Intellectual as a Vehicle of Public Memory. Edward W. Said’s Concepts and an Analysis of Disputes Regarding Memory256
About the Authors275
Name Index 281
Culture as Memory. The Post-Traditional Meaning of the Past287